Rytidectomy(FACE LIFT)


Face lifts have become a very popular procedure that people, men and women including are having done in recent times. The reason is mainly that it is a safe procedure that can make you look a lot younger and with a fresh face. Many people mistake the Rhytidectomy, which is also known as the face lift procedure for something that only removes wrinkles. But that is not the case. The face lift procedure is actually a lot more than just reducing the number of wrinkles on your face, it is more like a complete rejuvenation package. The face lift surgery can reduce the maximum number of wrinkles on the facial skin of the patient and can also make the face glow more than before. This is essentially what younger people look like.

The face lift or the Rhytidectomy is performed keeping the particular patient in mind, meaning that there is no fixed method or procedure, people’s faces are not the same and hence you should only visit a trusted medical practitioner to get this procedure done. The procedure is not something that can make you look like a baby, meaning that, manypeoplehave very unrealistic expectations when it comes to facial surgery and that is why it is important that you discuss with your doctor about how much reduction in wrinkles that you might be able to see after the procedure. The procedure is typically performed on the patient under local anaesthesia if the doctor deems it necessary and hence there is very little or almost no pain.