Hair forms an important part of our appearance. We usually take our hair for granted only until they are gone. Panic ensues in some people after realising that they will not be growing hair on their head again. But that’s where they are wrong. Today there are numerous ways to get your hair back thanks to science and technology. There are surgical and non-surgical ways of restoring your hair. While non-surgical ways try to achieve the task using drugs and scalp massages, surgical hair restoration means manually Treatmenting hairs on your scalp.
Hair Treatment aims at extracting hair from one part of the body (preferably the back of the head) and treatment it on front and top of your head. Hair Treatment can give a person a fuller-looking head in the short term and a head full of hairs with multiple surgeries in the long term. Hair specialist usually prefers the hair from the back of the scalp but now body hair is also being used for Treatment on the head. Patients can choose from two types of hair Treatment. One is FUT where a portion of the scalp is cut out from the back of the head and harvested under microscopes before Treatment. The other is FUE where individual hair follicles are plucked out and preserved for direct Treatment in the frontal head.
Treatment surgery can be completed in one-two sittings and proper care instructions and medications for post-surgery recovery are provided to patients for best hair growth results.